International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics

The International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS) at the University of Bremen offers the opportunity to take part in an efficiently-structured doctoral training program. Excellent researchers from all over the world are enabled to finish their education at a logistic location of long standing tradition.
The IGS is embedded in the cross-sectional Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics). The latter is a cooperative network of research groups from five faculties of the University of Bremen: Production Engineering, Business Studies / Economics, Mathematics / Computer Science, Physics / Electrical Engineering and, since 2019, Law. Associated partners are: BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), and the Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH. The fields of activity of LogDynamics range from fundamental and applied research to transferring research results into practice.
IGS has been a partner in three EACEA-funded Erasmus-Projects since 2012. Most recently the IGS is partner in an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project SSAPI. The first three projects were the Erasmus MUNDUS projects cLINK, FUSION and gLINK. The IGS has hosted a PhD SummerCamp for Ethiopian PhD students from Texas Tech University, USA, twice in a row. A former doctoral candidate of IGS is a Research Ambassador of the University of Bremen in Brazil. Due to the continuous international exchange as well as the growing network of IGS graduates, IGS receives attention from all over the world.