The Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (Log
Dynamics) is a cooperative network of research groups which includes 4 faculties of the University of Bremen. The IGS is the structured doctoral training program of Log
Dynamics which integrated the following faculties:
- Business Studies/Economics
- Production Engineering
- Mathematics/Computer Science
- Physics/Electrical Engineering
- Law
Associated partners are the BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), and the Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH.
At present, doctoral candidates at the IGS are supervised by local professors as well as by mentors from other international universities, and a local “structural” supervisor. The IGS strives for a close collaboration with enterprises, especially in logistics. To clustering and integrating interdisciplinary competences, this will reinforce links between research and industry. In addition, staying in touch with experienced practitioners will improve the merit of the solutions proposed in the research.
The IGS contributes significantly to the internationalization strategy of the University of Bremen by additional scholarship projects:- From January 15, 2021 to July 14, 2024, the IGS was one of two European partners in the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project Strategic Support for Accreditation of Programs and Internationalization at South Asian Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) - SSAPI. It was representing the University of Bremen. In this cooperation, 9 universities from Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have beem supported in their efforts to achieve international accreditation and greater international visibility.
- From July until September, 2017 the IGS was running the "TTU PhD SummerCamp" for a group of 15 doctoral candidates from Ethiopia, supervised by professors of the Texas Tech University (TTU), USA. From March to June 2018, a second TTU PhD SummerCamp was running at the University of Bremen. At the time it was a cooperation of the TTU with the Bremen based enterprise INROS LACKNER SE and the IGS.
- The cooperation of the IGS and the Graduate School of Logistics (GSofLog) of the TU Dortmund started in 2015. Both structured doctoral training programs had logistics in common. The doctoral candidates benefited from the diversity in the focus of the both programs when they met.
- The IGS succeeded in the competition GSSP – Graduate School Scholarship Programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Thus, beginning in 2013, the IGS was offering four DAAD-scholarships to outstanding international doctorate candidates.
- In 2014, IGS was successful again. From July 2014 to December 2018 it was a partner in the project gLINK - Sustainable Green Economies through Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge Exchange. 9 European universities from 8 countries (France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Hungary) cooperated with the same number of Asian partners from the countries such as India, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. LogDynamics welcomed 12 incomings and sent three outgoings to Asia.
- The IGS was a partner of the ERASMUS MUNDUS project FUSION – Featured eUrope and South asIa mObility Network. This project aimed to foster partnerships of emerging Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, China, India, and Thailand) with European countries (Bulgaria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, and Sweden) to reinforce the existing collaborations developed through the EU funded projects (e.g. cLINK). The key objective of the consortium was to enhance the capacity for international cooperation by facilitating transfer of people, know-how, culture and best practice in training the next generation of researchers and academic staff. Scholarships were offered in the period from 2013 until 2016 for mobilities in both directions: from Asia to Europe and vice versa. The project duration has been extended until May 15, 2018. The IGS accepted 14 scholarship holders from Asia. Four scholars were given the opportunity to study or teach in Asia. The latter went to the partner universities in Bhutan, China, Pakistan and Thailand. All Ph.D. candidates returned to the University of Bremen to defend their doctorate and obtain their certificate.
- The IGS was a partner of the ERASMUS MUNDUS project cLINK – Centre of Excellence for Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge. This project facilitated the academic exchange between European and Asian universities from 2012 until 2016. Beyond the University of Bremen, other participating European universities included ones from Great Britain, France, Romania and Hungary. cLINK offered scholarships for students and lecturers on all levels of qualification and education. Scholarship holders had the opportunity to study at an European university for one month and up to two years. The Asian countries that participated in this European program are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, China, India, Malaysia, and Thailand. The cLINK project closed on July 14, 2016 its portal after 4 years of fruitful exchange. 20 researchers on all levels of education visited LogDynamics and returned to their home universities as ambassadors of the University of Bremen and the concept of research-oriented learning. All Ph.D. candidates returned to the University of Bremen to defend their doctorate and obtain their certificate.